Your ducts are the unsung heroes of your HVAC system; you don’t see them or think about them much, but your system couldn’t operate without them. They transport the hot and cold air that keeps you comfortable. Whether you are building a new system or replacing your existing ductwork, turn to the experts at Bankston to facilitate the process.
Here is an overview of what might be involved:
- The first step in installing ductwork is the planning stage. We’ll create a layout of the ductwork in your home and map their connection points.
- The next step is to create duct vents, where our technician will need to cut holes in your drywall, creating supply and return vents.
- Then we will install your ducts. We will concentrate on minimizing bends which may diminish air flow and make your system less efficient.
- The last step is sealing the vents as a poorly sealed HVAC system will have to work harder to keep up with the demand.